10 stars for this
I am going to try to make my Underworld series like this. Stickpage wouldn't like Castle 1, but it would like Castle 2.
10 stars for this
I am going to try to make my Underworld series like this. Stickpage wouldn't like Castle 1, but it would like Castle 2.
10 stars for this
This is when Ray, pilot, Mullins, Robert, Boomer, and SomeOtherGuy's repercussions are about to start.
10 stars for this
Poor Jason (sad about to cry)
10 stars for this
Are they going to kill the general when Castle IV comes out???!!!
10 stars for this
Lloy didn't die from the rockm i read it in Oscar's website in the FAQs and Lloy kept fighting so much that he got tired and the creature turned him into a creature and in Castle Repercussions A Ray sees Lloy as a creature! Please vote for my review!
10 stars for this
I can't wait for Castle IV (4)
10 stars for this
Is this Tetris'D 4????? or what???
This like Halo level playing and 10 stars for this
I love this it rocks the bucket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 stars for this
i like this part better than part 1 and make part 3!!!!
Flash 8
Joined on 1/12/10